I have Audry, who will listen to my story I have Karina, who will explain everything I don't understand (&sometimes she can be my victim of annoying) And there's Kiara, who will laughing at everything w/ me And there's a name for us, and its called PICIOR, the frech of KAKI (legs) but actually its represent Karina Audry Kiara Ica. I love them so bad. Arissa 'I' Purilawanti. 27 October 2011
Assalamualaikum! Nama gue Arissa Purilaw, Blog ini adalah saksi bisu kehidupan gue sejak tahun 2011 (jadi maklumin kalo lagi ngestalk terus nemuin post-post yg terkesan alay ya hehe) Disini gue akan tentang cerita hidup gue yang gue harap bisa membantu kalian at some point or another. Gue lebih nyaman meng-ekspresikan pikiran gue dengan kata-kata dibanding harus ngomong secara verbal. Jadi karena itulah blog ini ada! So, stay tuned if you like :)