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Menampilkan postingan dari Maret, 2012

Mid Test already?

God, time flew but never knew that this going to be so damn fast :o &yes, tomorrow; 5th of March 2012 is Middle Test Semester already. yup the test you have to do to go to Term 4, and you'll be receiving your report soon, &cause its Alphabet Report, I am not expecting any C! Please God, cause for the last report that letter always in my report, either its 1 & 2 but still there!! Asdfghjkl. Well, gonna fight those papers, bye... #np IWDAfY - The Story of Us - Give You Hell - A Thousand Miles. Arissa "A" Purilawanti. 04/03/12 Published with Blogger-droid v2.0.3

2 trip 1 week.

Hey, on 28th of February 2012, all of 8th graders goes to Lembang, Bandung. &its kinda fun, but a lil' bit not like the expected... but Picior having fun on the bus! :D specially when me & kiara eating spicy chips I bought at the Tahu Susu Lembang, & our tounge is on fire when Kiara kepedesan & Hilmi ngeliatin dgn muka polos. Itu sumpah pengen ketawa tapi kepedesan juga, kalo ketawa gabisa tarik nafas jadinya mukanya bahagia padahal lidahnya udah kebakar kyk apaan tau :) &begonya lagi kita cobain 2x, di rumah karina jg makan Maicih lvl 5, besoknya pas di sekolah sakit perut :| &&& today, 1th of March 2012. #SC going to PP Iptek, Taman Mini. At first I was like "please take me home, please..." but then it was beyond my expectation! Its so fun fun fun!! 2 jam bebas main2 yg gaberguna semua, nonton The Deep di Auditorium, hampir ketiduran, trs Science Show tentang liquid Nitrogen, Ravi maju nyobain taro bunga dimasukin trs jadinya beku bgt...