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Menampilkan postingan dari Februari, 2013

"can't go far but you can always dream"

1. get a schoolarships at Arizona State University 2. study about media & culture 3. graduate! 4. if nothing hold it against me, work there & lives there 5. make my own tv shows & books 6. "You just got, Purilawed!" will be the title of it 7. if i meet the "one" there, make a greencard! if its not, go back here and live with the full house 8. have a little happy family 9. make my tv show as a big movie 10. continue writing&directing till i retire, and lives happily ever after... Aminyarabbalamin

100 Qs&As

WHAT WAS YOUR: 1. Last beverage = nasi goreng 2. Last phone call = dian 3. Last text message = weirdly is from matty -_-" 4. Last song you listened to = Iris - Goo Goo Dolls 5. Last time you cried = idk HAVE YOU EVER: 6. Broken a bone = no i havent... and hopefully never 7. Baked a cake = i think so... even tho it dudnt looks like a cake 8. Fallen over in public = lol yes i have 9. Fired a gun = nope, but reallyreally want to!! 10. Had a beverage come out your nose = how am i supposed to remember -_-" 11. Sneeked out = not exactly FIRST THREE FAVORITE COLOURS: 12. yellow! 13. light blue 14. pink hehe THIS YEAR HAVE YOU: (2013) 15.Made a new friend = yes... or so i thought 16.Fallen in love = hahaha yes 17. Laughed until you cried = hm i think so 18. Met someone who changed you = a friend of mine, bcs of him i turned into a physo harmonist -_-" 19. Found out who your true friends were = suree 20. Found out someone was talking about you = oh yes =)) ...

Kasus Si Penggemar Diam-Diam

TKP: 9 Kartini Pelaku: Gue Tersangka: Matty *gue nyanyi* "LET'S GO CRAZY CRAZY CRAZY TILL WE SEE THE SUN" *Matty tutup kuping* *gue lanjut nyanyi* "I KNOW WE ONLY MET BUT LET'S PRETEND ITS LOVE" *Matty masih tutup kuping* "AND NEVER EVER EVER STOP FOR ANYONEEE" *makin erat nutupnya* "TONIGHT LET'S GET... (lupa lirik)" *Matty tiba2 dengan keadaan masih tutup kuping* "...Some" gue "....."

Blurry Eyes - Vince Neil

I opened up my heart and let you in my dreams I try to find a way to tell you how I feel You're so far away from me And your heart is in another place that I just can’t reach That light that’s in your eyes I know it’s not for me I wonder what you want I wonder who you see I wish that I could set you free, And let you just fly away, fly away from me I got this feeling won’t go away It drives me crazy Well there’s nothing I can do to change you I feel like our time is ending, I thought our love would never die No matter what I do, no matter what I say, your heart is drifting away Why do you stare at the sky With your blurry eyes? I know that our love is over. I can see it in your eyes tonight There’s nothing I can do, I tried but it’s too late Your heart has drifted away

Stop & Stare - One Republic

Sadar gak, apa yg kita lakukan saat ini tuh cuma terjadi saat ini, gabakal bisa diulang lagi, unless ya ada org yg nyiptain mesin waktu, tapi meanwhile, kita cuma bisa ngejalanin ini sekarang, mau seneng, sedih, atau datar, juga pasti dimasa depan kita bakal look back at this moment right now, and thinking betapa berubahnya semuanya, betapa semuanya never be the same, apa lagi taun ini gue lulus smp (amin) terus ke sma, gaketemu org2 yg udah biasa gue liat selama 2,5 tahun ini, everything will change, because actually, nothing last forever ap.

Cari sini, cari sana, cari mana mana

Kay so today the day my faith in luck has grown again, well doesnt mean now im depending on leprechaun, but you know how that feels when you thought you could never get what you want but actually did, i felt that today and no lies, i feel like the harph was strumming, the trumpet was blowing, and cupids and angels were all dancing of joy, it was like something in my life actually happends according to my plan. Oh and something totally weird happends today too, so there were we, Faiz (yeah that douch i was talking about on previous post) & I, going to art room trying to finish his project, but then i wanted to know where are we actually have to collect it, so i went upstairs to teachers room leaving faiz in art room and asked mr dawuh, when i got back, i didnt see any sign of faiz's presence, and that moment i was totally confuse, where the heck could that dude be, so i went upstairs again and bcs i came down with the different stairs as i came up, people thought i was teleport...