My God, i dreamt to be a writer but i havent touch my blog in a long time, maybe its grown up things to do I guess, you dont have time to live if you write everything about it, or i'm just busy making my own stories to write! well that's a good excuse. So it's been like all this time i've been fooling myself and not being real, i feel like i'm being fake all the time, this is not me, im wearing my mask, maybe honestly im just too afraid of being myself, or i forgot who am i used to be. I used to be a big slacker with no worries of everything, I give shits to everyone but myself. I was so wrong at living. I had enough of it bcs it doesnt feel so good omg, i dont miss me then, but i do miss everything but myself. and now im sitting here thinking to be not self-centered. but who am i kidding. its everything about me now. Ego? Maybe. But you'll see. I may closed this blog, or just abandoned it. HONESTLY, WHO CARES. Everybody just curious, but doesnt care. Peo...
Assalamualaikum! Nama gue Arissa Purilaw, Blog ini adalah saksi bisu kehidupan gue sejak tahun 2011 (jadi maklumin kalo lagi ngestalk terus nemuin post-post yg terkesan alay ya hehe) Disini gue akan tentang cerita hidup gue yang gue harap bisa membantu kalian at some point or another. Gue lebih nyaman meng-ekspresikan pikiran gue dengan kata-kata dibanding harus ngomong secara verbal. Jadi karena itulah blog ini ada! So, stay tuned if you like :)