For this year, I decided not to write anything. For this year, I decided not to expect anything. For this year, I decided to learn the important things in life. It's my 19th birthday, and its 7th birthday of this blog. The time capsule aren't gonna stop, I'm still going to make my birthday note once a year, But this year, it's not in a form of words. This year, it's pretty different First year in uni, Of course it's not gonna be as hype as high school days, And I satisfied with it, Once it's enough. (Looking forward to celebrate my birthday with my family and my new family soon!) But this year, I tried to take it differently, Birthday is just a mark of your full lap on completing 1 more phase in your life, And it's not the end of the race, It would still be going on and on and on... Until we call back home . And until that day comes... Live your life to the fullest, Love more, Learn more, Read more, Give more, Get out more...
Assalamualaikum! Nama gue Arissa Purilaw, Blog ini adalah saksi bisu kehidupan gue sejak tahun 2011 (jadi maklumin kalo lagi ngestalk terus nemuin post-post yg terkesan alay ya hehe) Disini gue akan tentang cerita hidup gue yang gue harap bisa membantu kalian at some point or another. Gue lebih nyaman meng-ekspresikan pikiran gue dengan kata-kata dibanding harus ngomong secara verbal. Jadi karena itulah blog ini ada! So, stay tuned if you like :)