Salaam Sisters! First of all, I would like to say biggest appreciation for my sisters Hidden Pearls UK for sharing me some of their products all the way from UK to Indonesia! FYI, I'm the biggest fan of England, been wanting to go there since forever and see the country where Harry Potter was born #BIGPOTTERHEAD. But Alhamdulillah before Allah give me the chance to go there, they went to me first! Allah always has the biggest surprise, didn't He? Okay so let's begin to the review! They gave me 2 choice of any hijab from their website! It was overwhelming because I wanted it all. But then I browsed the Best Seller Product and it goes down to 2 very different style, Girly and Boy-ish: 1. Plain Tassel Hijab (Lilac) It's 100% Cotton based hijab. I chose Lilac because I am currently searching for that color to match my dress. (Coincidence? I think not) Plus, it has a cutie little puff-puff on the edge, which brings a whole new level of hijab-ing (yes I just invent...
Assalamualaikum! Nama gue Arissa Purilaw, Blog ini adalah saksi bisu kehidupan gue sejak tahun 2011 (jadi maklumin kalo lagi ngestalk terus nemuin post-post yg terkesan alay ya hehe) Disini gue akan tentang cerita hidup gue yang gue harap bisa membantu kalian at some point or another. Gue lebih nyaman meng-ekspresikan pikiran gue dengan kata-kata dibanding harus ngomong secara verbal. Jadi karena itulah blog ini ada! So, stay tuned if you like :)