If we see love as a simple feeling of attachment and comfort, I would like to be in love. Nothing to worry about, as long you're with that one person that can make you feel like home even when you're away. If we see love as a simple feeling of supports and motivation, I'd like to have it every day. It will help me get out of bed in the morning. If we see love as a simple feeling of chemistry and magic... I wouldn't need anything else to keep me entertain. Seeing your eyes, is enough. I miss being in love. But growing up gives another meaning to love. Now I'm scared of being in love. 8/1/20
Assalamualaikum! Nama gue Arissa Purilaw, Blog ini adalah saksi bisu kehidupan gue sejak tahun 2011 (jadi maklumin kalo lagi ngestalk terus nemuin post-post yg terkesan alay ya hehe) Disini gue akan tentang cerita hidup gue yang gue harap bisa membantu kalian at some point or another. Gue lebih nyaman meng-ekspresikan pikiran gue dengan kata-kata dibanding harus ngomong secara verbal. Jadi karena itulah blog ini ada! So, stay tuned if you like :)