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You will get to that 10.

10 is the total number of one set from my Personal Trainer at the gym.
We usually do 4 sets for upper and 3 sets for lower (friggin leg day)
Each consists of 10 repetition.
10. Ten. 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10.

It may seems like a few. But sure it was hell.

10. Who would've thought that reaching for that 10 is like climbing a mountain?

The 10 are different in every sets and movement and the time where it placed.

The beginning of the training wasn't that hard cause you still have your full energy. (Except for friggin leg day.)

The first set usually weird, adapting, because we haven't yet fully get the form concept. Sometimes it may seems so easy or so hard, because the form wasn't yet right. So the 10 wasn't that hard.

But for the second set, since we know what was wrong, we can fix it. And it's not as so easy or so hard as the first set, it's... right. You can feel the pain, but the right kind of pain. The 10 started to act, but we can tolerate.

The third set, you might already get tired, so you may be lost focus. Since you lost focus, the 10 feels easier.

But you tried to fight it again on the last set. And the last set, was damn friggin hell in the ass.

Here's how the 10 feels in my mind:

1... easy
2... go get me
3... yup still going strong
4... okay almost half way
5... half way!!
6... wait what was that...
7... omg is ten still that far???
8... no it's two more...
9... one more...
10... GOD!!!

And usually my PT will say:
"Don't think about it that much. Just do it." (not that she was promoting Nike)

I know that if I give up in the middle, I will disappoint her, or worse; myself. I will feel stupid and ashamed. Because during that 10 repetition, it may seems like you're dying. But the second after you're done, voila, the pain left you just like that, you even forget what's like.

That's the thing. You have all your time in your life to not feel the pain. So why wouldn't you spare a little 10 of your time to push yourself from your comfort zone? It'll give so much benefits for you too, isn't it?

(open this to get motivated a little bit: Top 10 Benefits of Regular Exercise and PS: It's not all about physical and aesthetics. My favourites are 1, 4, 7, 8 and 9)

Yes, it's not for your PT or for your parent's. It's for you and only you.

Who says it would be easy? That we wouldn't feel the pain?

If we don't feel the pain, we don't do it right.

Learn to love the pain. No pain no gain, is true.

Maybe you will feel lazy one day and you haven't even yet do 3x of exercising in the week. And you decided to spend your day watching Netflix all day and eat fried chicken skins. Would you be happy that way? Would your mind and body be okay with that? Knowing that you have the perfect opportunity to build the foundation of your health right in front of you? Is that what you want?

Of course you may say, death doesn't determined by it. We all die when we all die. But, don't you want to return what you borrow in the perfect shape, just like when it lend it you in the first place?

(It's one of an act to worship God too, if you really look for a deeper motivation.)

Look at all those people who's addicted to go to the gym, running, swimming, yoga, and stuffs. You may think "Why? Why would you voluntarily torture yourself?"

When actually... it's the other way around. They gives their body what they deserves. As an act of gratitude, for helping them to do what they want. Not exercising, is torturing them instead.

They can. And you can too. It's all about progress. Build that habit, build that mindset. Invest in yourself because nobody else will.

Goodluck, me.



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